“Hier een leuke quote?”

Practical information

Practices for therapy and coaching

When you opt for therapy or coaching at Mindspring, we’ll start with an intake interview. During this interview we’ll discuss your problem, request for help and goal in-depth. We’ll also determine which therapy or coaching process will be most suitable for you. After this conversation, you will decide if and how we’ll continue.

The aim of therapy or coaching

Together we’ll determine beforehand what your process will look like and how many sessions we’ll need. Of course this determination will be based on the question at hand as well as your personal wishes and preferences. In general we’ll work towards your personal goal in a series of 3 to 8 sessions and throughout the process we’ll evaluate briefly to ascertain that the developments align with the set goals. We’ll finish the process once you have achieved what you set out to do or you can move on using your own resources.


The rate for therapy and coaching is € 100,- per hour (incl. btw/VAT) for individuals. The intake interview is one hour, the following sessions generally 1 to 1,5 hours.

Sessions at Mindspring are covered by health insurance providers when hypnotherapy is included in the coverage. Please check with your insurance provider and mention that Mindspring is a member of the Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging voor Hypnotherapeuten (NBVH; Dutch Professional Society for Hypnotherapists).

Corporate rates are available upon request. Please contact Mindspring for a customized proposal.